What Is The Legal Age To Drink In Croatia? Is Croatia Strict On Drinking Age?

According to several Croatian laws, the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons UNDER THE AGE OF 18 is prohibited in retail trade, and at all points of sale where alcoholic beverages are sold, a sign prohibiting their sale to persons UNDER THE AGE OF 18 must be displayed.
A waiter or a bartender has the discretion right not to serve a customer, that is, to allow the customer to consume alcoholic beverages, if he assesses that the customer is less than 18 years old, and the guest does not voluntarily prove that he is older than 18 by means of identity documents.
According to a Croatian survey, 35% of minors in Croatia buy alcohol personally; 33% of minors drink alcohol at home; 48% of minors have never been prevented from buying alcohol in a store or a bar.
The same survey revealed that 35% of adult Croatians think that drinking alcohol in a normal part of growing up, whereas 45% would allow minors to drink at special occasions.